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Book Signing
Sat, Nov 11, 2023 | 2:00pm

Steve Woodruff

Please join us on Saturday, November 11th from 2-4pm for clarity-fueled communications with author Steve Woodruff, as he guides us through the practice of using the fewest words to make the biggest impact.

Known as the King of Clarity, Steve is a consultant and author who has helped many professionals – from solo consultants to Fortune 100 pharmaceutical companies – with their communications strategy and messaging. He is best known for a suite of facilitated workshops and keynotes to help teams become more effective in all forms of corporate communication and collaboration.

Steve’s latest work, The Point, explains how any human being – over 8 billion and counting – can design effective communications through 4 simple rules and 8 intuitive tools. This book unveils how the overloaded human brain wants information packaged, and how to craft brain-friendly messages that break through the noise.

From emails to sales pitches, workshops to resumes, Steven Woodruff’s Clarity Fuel Formula is the universal recipe for communications success that you won’t want to miss!

Free event | Click the link to RSVP

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